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Phone appending exclusively designed to grow revenue prospects

Just Validate is leading providers of phone append solutions designed to help telemarketers for creating new revenue opportunities, while enabling them to quickly deploy marketing strategies.

Our advanced phone appending capabilities quickly and automatically scan your customer first name and last name to give potential phone number matches. Just Validate Phone Screening tool investigates phone number of customer’s record and indicate DO Not Call Flags wherever necessary through scanning:

  • DNC - Do Not Call database
  • DMA/TPS - Direct Marketing Association Telephone Preference Service

Residential and Business Telephone Append Services allows us to scan customer names against the top three major US phone number directory compilers:

  • White pages
  • Yellow Pages
  • Grey pages

The phone screening tool continuously tracks all Area Code Updates at the network level and on our database servers themselves, across complying with all Federal and State Telephone and Facsimile messaging legislation and regulations.  By doing so, it provides the most accurate public, private, and proprietary telephone data, without impacting the performance of phone data audit and data standardization.

Phone Appending Services